is Wokeism?
aims to be a movement of vigilance regarding
systemic discrimination against historically penalized groups in
Western societies. The situation of minorities and women had
progressed considerably in the West over the last few centuries and
decades (the same cannot be said for much of the rest of the world),
systemic discrimination had in fact disappeared, and equality of
rights had been achieved. But equality of result had not been
achieved. For the woke movement, the reason had to be that our
societies were in fact horribly discriminatory and intolerant. Woke’s
approach to fight against alleged systemic discrimination took the
Marxist model and generalized it. What’s more, this “defense
of minorities and women” is based on new theories/ideologies
associated with a new vocabulary. In Marxism, humanity is first
divided into “privileged/oppressors” and
“victims/oppressed”. This is also the case in Wokeism,
but both the category of “privileged” (which included
bosses and property owners) and that of “oppressed”
(which included wage earners and tenants) have been broadened.
the privileged/oppressors,
we now also find: men, white Westerners, Christians/Jews,
heterosexuals, cisgender people...
Among the victims/oppressed,
we now also find: women, non-whites, members of all other faiths,
homosexuals, transgender people...
Then a number of
axioms, which we’d need to analyze in depth, are applied. Here
are four of them:
of equality of result over equality of rights.
whole causes
resentment. Here’s a video from an old humorous French
pravda that illustrates the zero-sum game:
In this video, Laurence Parisot is in tears because she wasn’t
reappointed president of the MEDEF (employers’
association). To defend her record, she
explains how much
“workers” in France are… in
trouble. The description, extremely dark,
obviously has no connection with reality. Her final sentence is
particularly evocative: “If workers are so
much in trouble, it’s proof
that I’ve well defended
the interests of employers!” So the better some people are, the
worse the others
are, and vice versa (a zero-sum game), Marxists can’t imagine
that the two sides can be
fine or in
trouble together. In Marxism/Wokeism,
if the “privileged” are in
trouble, we should even rejoice,
because it means that the situation of the others is
Among the new theories/ideologies on
which Wokeism is
based are:
Race Theory;
Theory (“Gender
is a social construct”);
Ideology (see
my article My
transgender approach, my
rejection of transgender ideology).
the Woke
Left, these
theories/ideologies, as well as, increasingly, Wokeism
as a whole, among others, “don't exist” and are merely
rumors, far-right conspiracy theories. In countries/regions where the
Woke Left
is well established, this claim
is taken up in official discourse. It is then impossible to talk
about these new ideas, let alone name them.
A very serious
effect of Wokeism
is that it creates or aggravates resentment, firstly towards the
so-called “privileged”, and then in
turn in both directions. It tears society
apart and can even lead to civil war. In particular, it contributes
to the resurgence of a true extreme Right
where it was on the way out. Violence is not a one-way street, nor is
suffering one-sided. There are situations where society treats women
better than men, and contexts where it is men who are disadvantaged.
Anti-white racism exists. Property owners can find themselves in
dramatic situations because of tenants or squatters. The desire to
achieve equality of result
at all costs leads to discrimination, which are,
this time, actually systemic.
Fighting injustice always requires activism in both directions;
activism in only one direction has a deleterious effect on
Another flaw of Wokeism
is its immense dogmatism. “Fascism” accusation
is used in every possible way to destroy
individuals who have a different (sometimes slightly different)
opinion on a subject. In this religion, evil is the far Right,
the Devil is
Hitler, and this
Devil is seen
everywhere. Anyone labelled a “fascist” loses his or her
status as a human being, and all violence is permitted against them.
Thus, RadFems, who belong to a current of feminism that rejects
ideology and is concerned about its effect on the situation of women,
are considered “fascists”: their addresses are published,
they receive insults and death threats, some lose their jobs, they
are cancelled, they get beaten up by Antifas at demonstrations: for
the latter, RadFems
are “fascists”, therefore not human, therefore not women,
therefore the rules of life that govern relations between human
beings (such as: “A man does not hit a woman”) no longer
apply. This kind of
makes fine speeches and presents itself as a model of morality, but
its fine principles only apply to those who agree with this
political current.
The theories
and ideologies that make up Wokeism
are full of magical thinking and dogma. In Transgender
ideology, the concept of transidentity is not established and is
based solely on how people feel. It implies the existence of a soul
independent of any material reality. There is no objective way of
verifying a person’s “gender identity”.
Self-determination, what the person says about him/herself in this
regard, is supposed to constitute proof (“Dogma
of the infallibility of self-determination”). It’s not
allowed to doubt it (otherwise: accusations of “fascism”,
as usual). It goes so far that in some countries even men convicted
of rape and claiming afterwards to be women have been transferred to
women’s prisons.
Researchers who hold views that
differ from the claims of Wokeism
are automatically regarded as hate-motivated charlatans. Cases of
intimidation, censorship, harassment and even dismissal are
multiplying. There is no longer any freedom of research on these
subjects. As a biological male living as a woman (social transition
only), I don’t see why
not believing in the existence of transidentity should
constitute hatred or transphobia (in
fact, I don’t believe in it myself).
Transphobia is only hating people who live socially as members of the
other sex, wishing them harm. Just as racism is only about hating and
wishing harm to people of other ethnicities. Everything else is a
witch-hunt. I think it’s very important for concerned people
to remember this. Nature is not designed to
conform to our wishes (magical thinking), and materialist atheists in
particular should know this. Science is not about fantasizing about a
nature as we would like it to be.
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